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Tahsan To Launch A New Song With A Fresh Sip
Arguably one of the most renowned celebrities in Bangladesh currently, Tahsan Khan is a household name. Although mainly known for his acting and singing, Tahsan has won hearts with his…
Teer Celebrates A United Bangladesh In Victory Day Campaign
“Bijoy (Victory)”; a word synonymous with every Bangladeshi in their hearts and souls. The word resembles the biggest pride that we, as a nation hold. This word depicts the struggles of…
Nestle’s Victory Day Campaign Will Give You the Definition of True Victory
During the liberation war, our forefathers put their lives on the line for their country. Many sacrificed their lives in the war, while others faced oppression beyond words. Within all these…
Click LED Urges All Of Us To Ignite Our Fighting Spirits
This December, Bangladesh is about to celebrate its 49 years of Freedom. 49 years back, we attained independence from the hands of our oppressors. But it came at a cost. Our victory is…
Grameenphone Urges Us All To Do At Least One Thing Individually For Bangladesh
Conceptualized by Grey Dhaka, Grameenphone Bangladesh has launched an inspiring campaign titled Ek Joge Ekshathe Chailei Shombhob to encourage everyone to do at least one good deed for…
Symphony Hails the Youth Energy to Implicate the True Essence of Victory
Symphony mobile has established itself as one of the signature brands for representing the young generation of the country. However, the brand persona of Symphony isn’t our topic today. The…
Olympic Encourages Everyone to Uphold the Pride of Our National Flag
Every December 16th, we proudly hoist our national flag to celebrate the essence of our freedom. Why shouldn’t we? The national flag of Bangladesh is the symbol of all the sacrifices made by…
Robi Recreated ‘Nongor Tolo’ to Pay Tribute to the Cultural Community During 1971
Nongor Tolo Tolo is a melody that resides in the heart of every Bangladeshi individual when it comes to commemorate our liberation war. The song not only defines the iconic history of our…
Pathao Car Brings Something New
Dhaka; the theater of dreams. A city filled with stories. Stories of people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. Recently Pathao has come up with a brand-new campaign, ‘Pathao Car Adda’ to…
Duranta Bicycle Dedicated This Year’s Victory Day to The Front-line Workers
The month of December is probably the most inspiring month for any Bangladeshi. The month when we achieved our independence, attaining victory in the Liberation war of 1971. To celebrate our…