With Hope, We Rise Again | Chopstick Instant Noodles’ Beautiful Take On Schools Reopening1 min read
The educational institutions in Bangladesh have reopened after 18 months of shutdown with new hope and challenges. As we embrace the change and have a new mindset, Chopstick instant noodles hit the right chords of emotion with their new campaign.
Remember that one week of March 2020 where life suddenly came to a grinding halt? We were scared thinking about the uncertainties that the pandemic would bring with it. And just like that, things we took for granted in our daily life started to disappear.
The mornings which started with the chirping of birds, children greeting their teachers and friends transformed into silent days where the only loud noise was the fear of getting infected with the deadly coronavirus. The fear was so strong that it took us almost 18 months to get back to our normal life but with a new mindset and a fighting spirit.
To portray the courage of starting again, Chopstick noodles– one of the popular brands of Square Foods and Beverage tried to spread positivity with their recent uplifting campaign. The OVC (online video content) starts with embracing the new wind of life which is quite different than what was before, yet the morning brings a ray of hope with children. The classroom fills up with the euphonious chatter of students but with the new normal of social distancing and wearing masks.
Read more: Classplus Celebrates ‘Teachers Day’ With A Message Of Giving Back| Guru Dakshina
With the hope of a brighter future for children, food habits must also contain safer choices. And this is where Chopstick instant noodles position themselves. The excellent execution of the brand message by Chopstick and Mediacom Ltd. Bangladesh highlights the power of “Hope” and “Belief” in the current context and what a heart-touching OVC to hit the strings of emotion!
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