DBL Ceramics announce Shakib Al Hasan as Brand Ambassador2 min read
In an event on Sunday, the country’s star cricketer, Shakib Al Hasan, paired with one of its largest ceramic brands, DBL Ceramics, signing in as their Brand Ambassador.
The signing took place at a hotel in Gulshan. It was attended by: Shakib Al Hasan himself, DBL Group’s Chairman Abdul Wahed, the Group’s Vice Chairman M A Rahim, the Deputy Managing Director and Group CEO MA Quader, the General Manager of DBL Ceramics Md Bayazed Bashar, and other senior officials from the company.
In an address to the press, the Group’s Chairman Abdul Wahed commented that “We are really honored to have Shakib Al Hasan, the best cricketer, and pride of our national cricket team, as the brand’s spokesperson.”
He further claims that the partnership between both parties presents a strategic advantage for the company. Shakib being the versatile personality he is, complements the dynamic and premium appearance of the brand. In a market with a fast-changing demand for aesthetics and décor, the strong all-rounder personality of the cricketer really speaks through with the brand’s vision.
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To address comments made, Shakib talks to the press, saying that he too feels honored to have been given this opportunity to represent one of the biggest ceramic brands of the country. He further addresses his bond with the Brand, claiming that the company’s sophisticated style, international quality, exquisite design, advanced technology, and reliable performance match up well with his sporting spirit.
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The brand shows a promising approach of using this complimentary partnership to its advantage for future branding and marketing purposes. Shakib also stated that he is looking forward to the future endeavors of this partnership, with a hopeful approach of giving the audience something exciting to follow.
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