Cadbury’s Latest Campaign Is Not Just A Cadbury Ad After All2 min read
India is home to more than 1.3 billion people. A country where more than 800 million people are still considered poor. With COVID-19 jeopardizing the livelihood of majority of Indians, let’s just say their life is at stake. For people associated with more than 12 crore small businesses in India, times are much darker. In the recent Diwali holidays, Cadbury wanted to reach out to these people, personally. Thus, Cadbury launched their latest campaign “Not Just A Cadbury Ad”.
We, the audience, are used to seeing fancy advertisement campaigns by versatile brands by now. The tone, appeal, or even execution might differ, but they are all, adverts.
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Now imagine you are a small business owner in a lesser known province in India. Surely your business does not have any digital presence. One day you log into your Facebook account and see a Cadbury ad, with your business’s name on it.
Surreal? Absolutely.
The idea of this campaign was undoubtedly innovative. The hurdles resided in the execution strategies, as it required high-end technological assistance. The very first hurdle that Cadbury faced, was locating the small businesses. Cadbury set up a database consisting of all the possible locations in India consisting of small businesses. They located the footprints of these businesses through pin codes of the areas.
The second step was even more robust. Cadbury leveraged on AI integrated systems to create a hyper-personalized ad for each of these small businesses.
Meaning, every ad was tailor made for individual businesses, and for people associated with them. The ads were hyper-targeted for the people supporting any such local small business, with individual names. This was the very first hyper-personalized campaign by any brand in India.
Cadbury wanted to deliver a truly impactful message with this campaign. Aligning with Diwali festivities, Cadbury wanted to reach out to the small business owners and employees. Their message was powerful, as they reminded everyone about the impact of supporting the local stores. Then, everyone gets to enjoy a happy Diwali.
An incredible campaign, with sheer story-telling, reaching the hearts of millions.