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Can’t Fathers Also Make Mistakes: Grameenphone’s 60-Second Storytelling Brings the Human Inside of a…
A simple yet powerful line from the 51-second lengthy OVC of Grameenphone shows how impactful can an advertising be even in the general sixty-second storytelling frame. To celebrate Father’s…
A Parent By Choice, But A Father By Love: Fresh Happy Nappy
Fresh Happy Nappy Showed The Unique Story Of Human-Bond On Father’s Day’s Occasion!
In recent years, the advertising industry of Bangladesh has been creating content on the eve of the!-->!-->…
bKash’s Latest Campaign Shares Its Goal To Make Bangladesh A Cashless Economy
It’s almost like bKash is challenging you to find something that CAN NOT be paid through bKash. With ‘Shob Somoye, Shob Proyojone bKash’ campaign, the MFS giants are celebrating the…
Financing the Happiness of the SME Industry with IDLC Finance
With their motto, ‘Financing Happiness’ IDLC has been the pioneer of the Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) of the nation, IDLC has uplifted the lives of millions through their unique…
‘Send Money’ beyond Border with bKash’s ‘Deshe Deshe Mahe Ramadan’ Campaign
In the month of togetherness and salvation, how one must feel to stay thousands of miles away from home and loved ones in Ramadan? 2.4 million Bangladeshis expatriates in 162 different…
Embracing the Essence of Ramadan with the Sweetness of Pran Frooto
In the holy month of Ramadan where we succumb to forgetting all our rifts and enlivening the bond we share with our loved ones, Pran Frooto has launched a campaign showcasing a story that…
For the Travelers Who Dream Limitless | GoZayaan Latest Campaign
Online travel tech platform GoZayaan has recently launched a new brand campaign announcing the bold motto “Go Limitless”. Travel is for everyone whether they like leisurely walks by the…
To What Extent Would You Go In search of Fresh Food? -Walton Smart Fridge
Walton uploaded a new OVC in its social media channels for its new addition to electronic appliances: Walton Smart Fridge with an interesting concept. Before digging deeper into that, quick…
Fresh Ramadan Combo Pack To Share Kindness With Those Who Matter
Once again Fresh has launched Ramadan Combo Pack 2022 to share kindness and love with those who work hard to make our life easier and the OVC for the combo pack shows how small initiatives…
This Ramadan, Click Extends Help To Spread Wind of Comfort
RFL’s electronic product brand Click has launched a heartwarming campaign in this holy month of Ramadan. On April 2nd, a 1:24 minute-long OVC was published from Click’s social media pages…