Teletalk Renovation Project To Get Back In The Competition3 min read
The state-run cellphone operator Teletalk is still lagging behind compared to its private-sector rivals in providing services. Aiming to expand its network and to improve services, the company is launching a mega project worth 3,000crore BDT. In fact, by 2024 the prior telecommunication giant is planning to cover every single area of the country under its network.
According to Post and Telecommunication Minister Mustafa Jabbar, the government has taken all the necessary steps to identify the pitfalls of the state-owned company and help it catch up with the private operators. Prime Minister’s Information and Communication Technology Affairs Adviser Sajeeb Wazed was present at the occasion. Also, Sahab Uddin, Managing Director of Teletalk Bangladesh, emphasized to provide 4G and 5G network coverage in the rural areas.
Although the planning committee has approved the project, it is awaiting for Finance Ministry’s vetting. With the approval of the National Economic Council (ECNEC), the work will start by June 2020. As many foreign investors have expressed their interest to invest there is a strong possibility for the second project when they complete the first one. Mr. Sahab Uddin briefly informed the media about all these plans.
What are their Vision and Mission?
At present, Telatalk has 47 lakh subscribers. So, their initial target is to increase the user base to 70 lakh by 2020 and 2 crores by 2024. As per the network expansion plan, they will set up 15,510 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) within 2024.
Accordingly, the Teletalk authorities expect to earn Tk 1,001 crore in the 2019-20 fiscal year. On the contrary, last year’s revenue is 640 crores BDT. Furthermore, by the 2023-24 fiscal year, they aim to earn 3,734 crores.
on the occasion of Bangabandhu’s birth cemetery, women and students are going to enjoy special offer packages and data packages at a rate less than other mobile operators in the market.
Besides all these, they launched the Oporajita package for women and almost 15 lakh people have so far subscribed to the package. Although their target is to provide 23 lakh SIM cards under the package. In particular, they launched an amazing short film to support this package which will ring the bell of your conscience.
What can we expect from Teletalk?
Renamed from Citycell, Teletalk started its venture in 2005 with a capital of Tk 643 crore. They did tremendous business in their early days as the competition was low and the call rate was pretty high. However, they did lose their popularity as could not satisfy the customer’s demand according to the time.
However, being the state-owned operator they did make a smart move by getting in charge of the government publishments. For instance, SSC and HSC result release, online registration to apply for the government institutions, etc. They did launch various data plans for the youth as well. However, they could not provide consistent service. As a result, their popularity dropped in the telecommunication game.
In conclusion, their recent initiatives and plans look promising but it does not matter unless they act accordingly. If they successfully accomplish their targets then other network operators have so many things to worry about as they are getting a well-built competitor. However, from the customers’ point of view, it would beneficial for us because we can expect to get offers. Such as cheaper call rates and better data plans.
So, What do you think about it?