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Bashundhara LP Gas Proudly Upholds the Dignity of Our National Anthem
Amar Shonar Bangla is a song that resides in the core of every Bangladeshi local. Our national anthem not only defines the iconic nature of our country but also carries the unified spirit of…
Hero Bangladesh Salutes the Real-Life Heroes of Bangladesh on Independence Day
Today marks the 50 years of independence for Bangladesh. In these 50 years of independence, we have come a long way little by little. And behind this progress is the tireless work and…
Robi To Create Country’s First Digital Sound Library with Our Sounds of Independence
Every year on 26th March, citizens all over Bangladesh recollect the sacrifices of our freedom fighters in commemoration of the country’s independence. However, this year is a bit more…
Coca-Cola Unites the World to Celebrate Bangladesh’s 50th Independence Day
March 26, this year marks the 50th Independence Day of Bangladesh. To commemorate the occasion of such pride, Coca-Cola Bangladesh launched a highly innovative and engaging campaign titled…
Stories of Possibilities | bKash’s Latest Campaign Wants to Inspire Millions
bKash-the MFS market leader of the country has rolled out its latest brand campaign featuring the story of a man named Kamrul who has lost a lot along the way but gone ahead on the path of…
Dove Urges Everyone To #StopTheBeautyTest
Conceptualized by Ogilvy India, this women's day, the skincare giant Dove has recently launched a campaign titled #StopTheBeautyTest to point out to those who put women through the horrible…
‘Uncontained’ | Public Safety Canada takes Canadians inside human trafficking
Set to the Billie Eilish song “When the party’s over,” the campaign’s 90-second anchor spot by Safety Canada showcased one victim’s journey into human trafficking. It opens on a man…
Quazi Enterprises Limited Urges Us To Remember The True Essence Of International Mother Language Day
International mother language day is a day for mourning for Bangladeshis worldwide. On this day, we remember the sacrifices our brave language martyrs have made to protect our mother tongue.…
Clemon Teaches Us What It Truly Means To Respect 21 February
In this 21st century, one of the main things Bangladeshis are known for worldwide is their love for Bangla. Everyone remembers the sacrifices we made to secure our mother tongue as the…
Every year, Bangladesh commemorates International Mother Language Day on 21st February. It is the day when the whole nation remembers the sacrifices of our language martyrs, political…