
Shafayat Hossain
Shafayat is an ambitious marketing professional looking to become one of the trendsetters in the 21st Century. He is often quoted as the efficacious wordsmith among his peers. He relishes the opportunity to explore the marketing industry through the articulate aesthetics of written expressions.
Among many accolades, He is proud to be acknowledged for his work in “City Alo”; A project of City Bank that inspires women to become financially independent. He is currently working on his book titled “Life in me” that is written in a quirky style he never gets to apply in the professional world. He is an active promoter of “alt text” and aspires to make every Bangladeshi website accessible to the visually impaired.
What would you do if you had seen a rusty burger turned green because of all the fungus? You are already experiencing little nausea, aren’t you? Well, burger king took just the approach to…
HSBC Announces To Cut 35,000 Jobs Worldwide
In a recent press briefing, HSBC has confirmed that they will ax 35,000 jobs within 2022 and invest more in digital systems. They currently have 235,000 employees all over the world as of…
Can We Spare 68 Seconds For Our Beloved Bangla?
In the 68th Year of the tragic day of 1952, RFL announces a commendable campaign in the memory of our Language Martyrs. They have released a TVC demonstrating how we pollute our language…
Bidyanondo Reaches Out to All the Languages in the World
Did you know that every 14 days, a language is forgotten from the book of the world? Crazy, right? To think that, every language has its own history, own tales, own blood and sweats to make…
Buses to Withdraw Window Advertisements to Ensure Women Safety in Bangladesh.
Upon concerns regarding women's safety in buses, BRTA has investigated to come to the following conclusion: all the buses will remove advertisements from window panels. Women's safety has…
Jeff Bezos To Create a 10 Billion Dollar Earth Fund
Jeff Bezos, The richest man in the universe have recently pledged $10bn, roughly 10% of his net worth to his newly established earth fund in an attempt to reduce the overall carbon footprint…
Airtel Reaches Out To All the Single People This Valentine
What would you do if you were in a relationship this Valentine’s day? Airtel takes a closer look at the underlined peer pressure of doing ‘something’ on Valentine’s Day. You have to find…
Shopping Feature To Be Added On Google Search
Google announces an interesting feature to be added to its search engine. Consumers will now be able to shop by searching for keywords without ever having to leave Google. According to…
Nagad and Robi Signs A Game-Changing Deal.
Nagad has announced a huge partnership with telecommunication giant Robi Axiata that will see Nagad’s consumer base soar to a maximum of 60 Million. This deal is understood to be a result of…