IDLC Financing Defines ‘Matri Bhasha’2 min read
Ever since earning the freedom of speaking in our own language, we Bengalis have a special soft corner for our mother tongue. So much so, that we adoringly refer to it as our ‘Matri Bhasha’. Mothers are highly respected and loved, therefore, the fact that our national language is given the same level of love and honor is no small feat.
Another beautiful aspect of our language is diversity. Within the area of 147,570, the country is divided into several regions, each with its own local language. While each of the regional languages has its own accents, tonal differences, and slight variations in vocabulary, they are all our mother language, Bangla.
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IDLC Financing Limited did a wonderful job of describing our favorite term, ‘Matri Bhasha’, in their new campaign for 21st February. The ad starts off by highlighting how people normally tend to make fun of regional language due to their unorthodox sound. The campaign is centered around a group of students coming from different regional backgrounds, with one being made fun of by his friends.
He asks his mother to not speak in front of his friends in fear that they might hurt her feelings. To which she replies that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Our ‘Matri Bhasha’, regardless of region, is something that is passed down through generations. It is the language we first hear our mothers speak in. And it is what they hear from their mothers after birth as well.
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Instead of being ashamed of speaking in our regional language, we should embrace it. It doesn’t make us any less cool than the rest of them. This February, IDLC Financing Limited is celebrating International Mother Language Day by showing respect to all regional languages of our country. Because at the end of the day, we are all Bangladeshis having the same ‘Matri Bhasha’.
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