11 Contents That You Must See – Mr. Mango Road Safety Artwork Campaign1 min read
The campaign has produced some brilliant contents regarding the road safety in Bangladesh from the audience.
[dropcap]B[/dropcap]angladesh has recently seen a series of tragedies regarding the road safety- resulting in a number of protests from the students and many more. The death of the BUP student was the recent addition to the list. But still we often find people endangering their lives by breaking some obvious traffic laws. To address this issue, Pran Mr. Mango opted to launch an artwork campaign in collaboration with Pathao regarding road safety.
Read More: Who Will Win The Battle | Ride Sharing Companies In Bangladesh.
The campaign was designed to ask participation from the audience for some creative content ideation to spread awareness about road safety. And my gosh, they have received some brilliant ideas that will make you think twice before breaking the laws next time!
Here are our top 11 content picks from the campaign:
You’re Just as Fragile, Wear Helmet!
Artist: Taswar Hossain
রাস্তায় অসাবধানতাবসত মবিল, তেল সহ অন্যান্য জলীয় পদার্থ ফেলে রাখার কারণে প্রতিদিন অনেক মারাত্মক দুর্ঘটনা ঘটে থাকে।
Aka Slippery Substances like Mobil, Oil causes accidents regularly.
Artist: Mahbub Joy
Let him be late rather than late
Artist: Jenny Sun
দুর্ঘটনা এড়িয়ে চলুন, রাস্তায় চোখ রাখুন। Aka Keep your eyes on the road.
Artist: Rokibul Hasan
“বাঁচতে হলে, বাধতে হবে” or Wear Seatbelts to be alive.
Artist: Ashraf Hossain
Don’t Imagine it as a race, be responsible
Artist: Tahzeeb Shawkat ali
Don’t cross your limits.
Artist: Shafiqul Islam
দায়িত্ব নিয়ে পয়েন্ট আউট করলে সমস্যা, শহরের মানুষ গুলোর বাড়বে নিরাপত্তা
aka Pointing out problems with care can increase the safety of the citizens.
Artist: Saiful Bappy
You love speed? Speed Loves death!
Artist: Tanvir Hasan
ট্রাফিক নির্দেশিকা অমান্য করা, আপনার প্রিয়জনের কান্নার কারণ হতে পারে।
Aka Violating the traffic rules might make your loved one’s cry.
Artist: Mahbub Joy
Don’t Snap and Drive! (Our Favorite!)
Artist: Nazmus Sakib
Let us know about your favorites from the list!