Beauty Isn’t Only Skin Deep2 min read

In the day and age where we have ‘supposedly’ come to terms with diversity and the notion that beauty goes deeper than the skin, why are women still being objectified? In order to be accepted by the society, there are a billion boxes we have to check off, a billion standards to maintain.

What makes this matter worse is the fact that the specified image we need to fit into is solely based on our physical attributes. Something that is naturally gifted to us, something that we have no control over. Starting from our hair –cause God to forbid we have anything other than long, thick, shiny, straight hair– to how much we weigh.

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You can’t be too tall or else finding a groom would be difficult, whereas being short creates a lot of problems. When finding a bride for your son, forget about any qualifications or the personality a girl has because what does all that matter when her skin is dark, right? Because true beauty is only surface level, and women are just dolls to be displayed on a shelf.

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We say we have outgrown these cookie-cutter notions about what defines a proper woman, and we even have a whole day devoted to celebrating and respecting them, but our actions are lagging far behind our words.

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Instead of looking the other way, Cats Eye addressed this serious issue head-on with a heartfelt campaign for the upcoming International Women’s Day. The 90 seconds ad covers all the struggles women face in their day to day lives, be it body shaming or how just the color of our skin measures our worth.

It’s high time we let go of what construes as beauty through physical appearances alone. The unsolicited advice on how to slim down or grow taller isn’t helping anybody. Objectifying women and setting all these preposterous standards is like trapping a bird in a tiny cage and clipping their wings. We aren’t meant to be a décor piece, made in a certain way to appease the society and kept on the shelf for people to admire.

In short a much-needed visualization by Cats Eye with spot-on storytelling and execution. Let us know about your thoughts on the campaign and for the latest Bangladeshi advertising updates, be with Markedium.

#WomensDayWithMarkedium | We will feature all the best International Women’s Day 2020 campaigns (print, outdoor and AV) from both Bangladesh and around the world.
If you are a brand with a strong message, submit your campaign here-



Brand Cats Eye
Production House Toaster Production
Director Roni Bhowmik
DOP Raihan Khan




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