Banglalink Posted Another Double-Digit Growth In Q1’232 min read

Banglalink, the third largest telecom operator in the country, posted another double-digit topline growth in Q1’23. Successful network rollout and continued execution of Banglalink’s Digital Operator Strategy allowed the company to post revenue of Tk 14,618.8 million in Q1’23 which was Tk 12,419.8 million in Q1’22.


Total revenue increased mainly due to 18% YoY growth in mobile service revenue. Mobile data revenue, which is the focus for the company increased by 35.0% YoY to Tk 4,928.6 million in Q1’23.

Read more: Banglalink’s Data And Digital Services Approach Led To A Groundbreaking Year In 2022

Mobile data revenue was Tk 3,652.1 million in Q1’22. Data revenue contributed about 33.7% of the total revenue in Q1’23 which was 29.4% in the same period last year.



The average revenue per user (ARPU) grew by 10.2% YoY to Tk 126 in Q1’23. AMPU (Average Minutes per User) decreased by 5.3% YoY in Q1’23 which is aligned with the industry trend. AMPU is decreasing as consumers are now increasingly using OTT services like Messenger, WhatsApp, etc for communication.


Data revenue is growing mainly due to growth in internet subscribers and data usage per user. Data subscribers as of Q1’23 was 25.5 million, which is a 15.9% YoY growth compared to the same period last year. About 65.9% of the total subscribers are now using data.


Out of the total data users, about 17.4 million are 4G users. 4G users grew by 39.1% YoY which was 12.5 million in Q1’22. The growth in this segment emphasizes the investment focus on 4G technologies. Now around 81.6% of the total network has 4G coverage.


Data consumption per user also grew by 17.9% YoY in Q1’23. However, data consumption decreased by 6.6% compared to Q4’22.

Banglalink also posted decent growth in other services. Toffee, Banglalink’s video streaming app closed the quarter with 11.7 million MAUs (Monthly Active Users), which is a growth of 84.3% YoY. Average daily active users were 2.0 million, which grew by 96.4% YoY.

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MyBanglalink, the company’s self-care app now has 6.2 million MAUs which is an increase of 71.5% YoY.  The app now provides services like e-learning, gaming, and music streaming.

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