Banglalink Digital- Spreading Happiness To The Hostellers!2 min read

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]anglalink, one of the largest telecom company of our country released a joyous campaign. This advert is tagged asবেশি দিয়ে খুশি ছড়াই সবার মাঝে”. The prime theme of the campaign deploys the very same message- Happiness!

This happy campaign has been filmed on a certain hostel. In the beginning, some of the hostellers talk about the hardship and monotony of living in a hostel. Some says they badly miss their families and how dreary their lives are. Other says they felt a sense of devoid when they left their home.

Watch the campaign first!

The majority yearned for good food. Banglalink thought to bring some festivity and joys in their tiresome days. Thus, they adorned the entire hostel building. Moreover, they served some delicious feasts for the hostellers. Afterwards, the day got even more significant when Jon Kabir made his way onto the hostel. This countrywide renowned singer made everyone cheerful with his songs. Later on, he took pictures with them. This is how Banglalink made an ordinary day extremely remarkable for the hostellers.

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If we try to contemplate about hostel life, we might only say it’s diverse. But it’s also a lot more difficult with all these diversities and staying away from loved ones. They spend their lives in the same routine everyday. Banglalink portrayed the daily struggles of a hosteller. They took a kind step to erase the monotony. So that everyone can enjoy a day filled with festive joys. Everybody around the hostel enjoyed succulent food, live music and a day of abundant memories.

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Many might argue what’s the point of this recent campaign of Banglalink? What it will get out of feeding some Kachchi Biriyani and some live music for hostellers. Well, then you probably never been to a hostel . Banglalink believes in sharing and distributing extra happiness among everyone. It’s safe to say, we all know that these extra steps towards happiness creates the lifelong memories.

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