Nestlé Bangladesh Celebrates 50th Victory Day with hope, courage, and bringing two generations together2 min read

This particular campaign of “Nestlé: Our flag is our identity” is an embodiment of courage that commemorates the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and shows how the courage from the previous generation can help the new generation find the true meaning in building a prosperous nation.

This campaign brilliantly brings out the spirit of courage and inspiration where the story starts to unfold with two generations meeting each other for the first time in an old room. Three old men enter the room and start sharing their old memories with the youngsters- memories that were created long time ago but the essence was still so strong that it gripped six of them in that same room for a while!

The batch of 70 keeps on sharing about the unrest of 1971 and all on a sudden we see the reflection of their exceptional courage and bravery when one of them shares the dream of a new country and a new passport!

With a funny twist, the OVC shows that every room has its own “cooking specialist” – regardless of generation! Just in the next moment, the emotions change exquisitely when the old gentleman states that even though he has let go of many things, his old trainings are still part of his dignity.

Read More: Top 7 Victory Day Campaigns Of 2020 | A Markedium Take

And then strikes a moment that gives us goosebumps! The second man talks about how they blew up a camp and raised the nation’s flag! Just when he says it- the door of the old room opens with the flag in hand of the new generation. To recreate the memory that was glorified decades ago, the young man suggests they do the same on Victory Day, only this time both of the generations will celebrate altogether. This resonates with the thought that every generation has its unique attributes and when combined together- the nation is meant to find its way to prosperity!

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