Bianco footwear instigated an exceptionally inventive yet so cordially relatable campaign with a tagline named “Step out of your head”. How many times did we let go of a thought or restrained ourselves from making an attempt? And the answer is infinity.
So sad but so true!
Probably the first baffling thing about the campaign is – Bianco shoot the whole AV in a lift. What happens is on a certainly uncertain day a girl and a boy collide with each other on a lift, while they’re rushing towards their office. Many contemplations of thoughts run through their minds in the most humorous way. At once the guy decides to break the awkward silence but he steps back from doing so. There is a subtle display of their shoes at this moment. However, they keep bumping into each other and sparks started flying between them. There are days when they don’t get to see a glimpse of one another and there is a sense of blankness.
Then there comes a remorseful day when the girl has been fired and for the last time she is taking the lift. Coincidentally enough, they again clash and the cliché contemplation again occur. The lift moves downward and right before they both decide to make a move the lift hits 1st floor and the girl leaves. They ended up being lamented.
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Bianco, a Denmark based footwear brand is renowned for their remarkable ad campaigns. And this one was no different. has a striking tagline and just like we got to put on our shoes and step out to conquer anything. Similarly, stepping out of our ever so flurry mind is more prominent than we might actually think. We might never know, what would have happened if we relinquish our fears and take a step toward unreliability.
Do you agree with Bianco? Let us know!
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