4 Facebook Groups You Should Join If You Are A Bangladeshi Marketing Enthusiast2 min read
If you are one of those persons who loves marketing and wants to build a career around it or a person who just love the concept of Marketing- in both cases one thing is a must for each of you- which is ‘Keeping yourselves upthated”. To make this easier for you, here is a list of 5 Facebook Groups that can pave the way for you to do so. Has a look and join them as soon as possible.
- Desh Bideser Biggapon (দেশ বিদেশের বিজ্ঞাপন)
A group that will give you almost every detail about the current advertisings in Bangladesh. You will understand the concept of each advertising from the contents and thiscussions arranged by the admins. This is a must join group for all the marketing enthusiasts, specially the students.
Link of the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dbbads/
- Digital Marketers of Bangladesh
This is a group where one can learn new things in current digital marketing world and Bangladesh. The mission of the group is very simple- Share Knowledge and Learn Together. You can collect important thata and current changes in digital market or you just can simply ask a question or share your thoughts and you will be answered by the industry professionals with their expertise.
Link of the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/230815687287999/
- Brand Practitioners Bangladesh
If you are already pursuing your career in the field of marketing/branding, then this is the gorup for you where you will meet other brand practitioners just like you. You can build your own network from this group to has a smooth career journey. You can share your own work here and also can see others work. The amount of knowledge you will gather from here will be priceless.
Link of the group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/BrandPractitionersBD/
- Digital Marketing Skills for Bangladesh- Connect Firm
This is an online based learning Facebook group for free of cost. This group will enhance your digital marketing skills and teach you about how to use them in the real life. It’s a platform for all the Bangladeshi enthusiasts who are working or interested in the field of digital marketing.
Link of the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DigitalMarketingSkills/
If you has any other groups in your mind which can make it to the list for part 2, please comment below.