In the past few years, we have experienced a giant shift in the e-commerce sector. For both the established and new brands, these shifts are indications that brands should rethink the conventional
e-commerce experience and introduce creative ways to connect with customer online. With such an exponential growth in this particular sector, Bangladesh has also witnessed how brands are positioning themselves and getting stronger each and every year.
Daraz, the South Asia’s one of the e-commerce giants, is the pioneer of e-commerce industry in Bangladesh which is considered as one of the emerging economies. With its dynamic offerings, Daraz Bangladesh has formed a strong brand identity into the minds of millions. The acquisition by Alibaba group in 2018 has also put Daraz in the spotlight. From its inception till date, Daraz has managed to reach a wider audience in Bangladesh.
After seven years of thriving business, Daraz has gone for revamping that brings new hope, enhanced customer experience and opens up a new era with a broader vision. By uplifting the communities, Daraz is ready to add new perspective in the day-to-day life.
It is undeniable that any popular brand that goes for rebranding sparks some mixed emotions. The newly unveiled logo of Daraz is no exception. Although there is a side of the coin that is criticizing the new change, however, on the other side, there are some impeccable thoughts that drive such changes.
With social media, consumers are getting exposed to new brands every other day and this leads to fierce competition among the brands. Hence investing in creating a strong brand personality increases the possibility of holding people’s attention. This is something similar to what the new logo of Daraz has achieved so far. If we refer to the color wheel, we will see that orange symbolizes spontaneity, energy, optimism, creativity and adventure. How does that go with rebranding?
Let’s have a look:
When we talk about e-commerce platforms, we think of exploring different products virtually that would fulfill our needs, wants or demands. If we look closely, in a way we all enter into some adventure when we start scrolling or start browsing websites looking for our desired items. The new logo of Daraz with its brightest orange color is close to that. It promises a shopping experience that is new and exciting! It brings optimism with it by unfolding a new era of e-commerce. Human minds function in such a way that can reiterate the connection between emotion and color no matter what the object is. And so, color plays an integral role in rebranding as well.
Secondly, the “why” part of the rebranding can also highlight the brand’s storytelling. With its new logo, and new experience for customers- Daraz is giving a stronger message that resonates with the changing needs and wants of customers. Most importantly, this strategy is also capitalizing on the brand equity that Daraz has built to date.
Md. Tajdin Hassan, CMO at Daraz Bangladesh took on to the social media and provided an explanation of the new rebranding attempt of Daraz. Here, have a look:
The fresh logo of Daraz still upholds the elements in their DNA (the tone Alibaba is clearly visible), which are- progress, innovation, exploration and discovery. With their core message, Daraz, through its new brand look aimed to portray a much deeper connection between buyers and sellers on their platform. The logo carries the same meaning where the new icon represents a package which emphasizes on the fact that the e-commerce platform is connecting the SME sellers and customers through different product offerings. The arrow that is at the center of the icon focuses on progress and fast deliveries and also has a resemblance with “play button” that signifies that- “through continuous innovation Daraz aims to create more dynamic experience for users in terms of content.”
Although we can’t argue that the design might have left some unhappy faces, but with the hope of newer beginnings, we assume Daraz is set to give one-of-a-kind shopping odyssey to its customers!And on a different note, a logo isn’t the only element of brand communication process. So, if you are on the other side of the new logo change, relax! Daraz will do everything to replace those raised eyebrows with customer delight.
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