UnionBank: You May Now Kiss the App!2 min read
If you are looking for more ways to evade real-life, emotionally dependent human relationships in true millennial and Gen-Z fashion, Philippine’s UnionBank has got your back. Okay no, we’re kidding. That’s something you can save for your next trip to the therapist or heart-to-heart with a friend over coffee.
What UnionBank can help you with, though, is reimagining what a safe, secure future really means – and what it truly means to have a ‘partner for life.
The commercial starts off with a man delivering a speech at his own wedding – but we soon find out the spouse-to-be in question is UB Online, UnionBank’s mobile banking app. The speech starts with the story of how they got together, where he tells us that all it took was one I.D. card. This portion very cleverly tells us how easy it is to open an account with Union Bank. He also talks about the ‘beauty, implying that the app has an appealing interface.
Then we learn about his journey with the app during COVID-19 quarantine. As he gets up to go out and pay bills and such, the app walks up to him and seductively drops the sheets, showing him that it can all be done on the app.
The app also rejects a bouquet of flowers because ‘it asks for nothing in return’ i.e. transactions are free of additional charge.
He also mentions that the app is available at all times for him, such as late at night when it’s already tucked in. That is sure, a trait he would be hard-pressed to find in humans.
Banking efficiently during peak banking hours is also mentioned, which saves one from having to stand in long queues at branches. We learn that the app can also help deposit checks by simply uploading a photo of it.
After having spoken about their journey together, he lifts the veil off of the app and plants a kiss on it. This absurd yet entertaining and engaging commercial keeps the viewer hooked from beginning to end. What’s even better is that it does not trade off entertainment for information – all the features of the app are still clearly mentioned for everyone to grasp.
Did we mention that the man looks overwhelmingly like Trevor Noah? That lucky app.
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