Snapchat’s New “Snapchat Trends” Feature To Provide Key Audience Insights4 min read

An Exciting New Feature For Marketers.

Snapchat has recently released a new feature, “Snapchat Trends” for tracking the most used keywords in Snapchat. This is a game-changing addition for content creators and marketers of the social media platform. By identifying the most popular keywords, users can now gain vital audience insights and curate their content accordingly.

An Exciting Market Research Tool

This feature will likely turn out to be a useful tool for market research. It is excellent for identifying what topics are trending as well as what is the volume of conversation for each topic. This information is key in revealing audience insights and directing the marketing activities of different brands. The market research benefits of Snapchat Trends extend beyond only the brands that actively market on the platform. As Snapchat is a popular social media app, insights gained from this new feature will be applicable in a general sense as well.

Read More: Snapchat Introduced Campaign Lab to Help Marketers and Boost Ad Revenue

Snapchat Trends

Better Targeting With Snapchat Trends 

The keyword analytics of Snapchat is of incredible value to copywriters, content creators, and marketing professionals alike. This feature will help identify the interests of their target audience as well as the language they use. With that information, content can now be tweaked to be more relevant and more relatable to the people they are trying to reach. Adding to that, analysis of the trending keywords will help ensure a more accurate and more detailed profiling of target groups.

Furthermore, this tool will also serve to track the impact of a campaign or event. The volume of certain keywords will help marketers measure outcomes such as brand awareness, product popularity, brand positioning, and so on.

5 Ways to Apply Snapchat Trends to Your Business

#1 Product Market Research

Trends data can be a helpful jumping-off point in researching organic consumer behavior to evaluate the overall market fit for your product or service. Any vertical or industry — whether it’s Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), Automotive, or Entertainment — can use trend data to understand what products, shows, flavors, or models are most commonly being talked about.
Using a CPG example, within the last few months we’ve seen a marked increase in the volume of conversation around seasonal summer flavors like strawberry, watermelon, and rhubarb, which may provide the inspiration to explore new potential products or flavors, or simply shift marketing focus to products within those flavor categories.
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#2 Creative Messaging and Copywriting

We often see new and interesting language trends emerge in the way that Snapchatters communicate with friends and react to the world. For brands looking to build contextually relevant creativity, this is a great way to keep a pulse on those trends and ensure that creative copy not only fits its context but stands out.
Recently, we saw a 100% increase in mentions of the phrase “third-wheeling.” After digging deeper, we found it actually was a recurring trend that peaked almost every Friday and Saturday. For the online dating industry, this language trend has been used as a directional insight to help fuel new and relevant creative on Snap.
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#3 Building User Profiles and Personas

Because communication on Snap most often occurs among close friends, Snapchatters often share what they’re doing in their daily lives, including both major life moments and more mundane daily activities. This can lead to powerful insights when building a profile of who your target audience is and what they do throughout their days and weeks, like going to work, shopping online, and streaming the latest content online.
We found that mentions of the term “streaming” reliably peaks every Friday, which aligns with new music drops and new content hitting the streaming platforms. This opens up new potential media strategies and opportunities to align with your audiences core interests.
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#4 Researching Key Moments

Similar to the concept above, we’ve seen that Snapchatters not only use Snapchat to celebrate major milestones, but they also tend to celebrate those moments in between — what we like to call Snapchat Holidays. This can be anything from National Ice Cream Day to International Women’s day, and we tend to see a massive groundswell in conversation around these “in-between” holidays. For any brand looking to “own” a relevant moment, Trends can be an incredibly powerful planning tool in finding just the right moment to align a media strategy to.
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#5 Competitive Research

One final and very valuable use is to understand the market in which a brand, product, or service operates. It can be used not only to understand consumer sentiment towards specific products or types of products but also to understand competitive offerings and how those products fit in the market. By analyzing multiple products in one query, you can easily compare the peaks and valleys of conversation over time to see how your brand is faring relative to the competition on Snapchat. This can be incredibly insightful input for both ongoing brand-health monitoring and also larger quarterly business reviews.

Overall, the new Snapchat Trends feature is showing a lot of promise in influencing the marketing activities of brands both on and off the platform.

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