A Microfilm series by Huawei featuring “Courage, Love and Patience”1 min read
We have experienced how some of the brands successfully embedded the real stories of people in their commercials. The recent microfilm series by Huawei reflects the emotion that people hold in heart for their loved ones and how technology plays an important part in their stories.
We all agree that life has some remarkable ways of creating opportunities. Sometimes, the path that leads us to that opportunity seems very doubtful and in such an endless journey, our dreams and aspirations work like catalysts that ease the pain of leaving our past behind. Indeed, our stories are distinct but if we ask people about their survival journey, few powerful words will be common, such as – courage, love, and patience!
Huawei recently launched a microfilm series that put a spotlight on the struggle stories of different individuals. The series by Huawei showed- a father who wanted to fulfill his son’s dream; a sister who wanted to be stronger and bold for her siblings; a daughter who wanted to share her father’s duties and responsibilities and a son who wanted to contribute in his mother’s treatment. They never wanted to be apart from their loved ones, but they all agreed to follow the decision of fate. While they were not physically present on special occasions, the presence of love-filled out the emptiness. And this was made easier by the power of technology which enabled them to share precious moments through the screen.
If we look around, we will realize how these stories are very common among us. Unquestionably, Huawei did a brilliant job in capturing the story of sacrifices from different parts of the world. One thing that stood out the most? –their way of connecting the power of technology with the emotions of people.
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