Chillox Returns with a Siren Song for the Bengali Soul2 min read

Chillox has once again hit the nail right on the head for their latest online video commercial promoting the launch of their new addition, Fish & Krisp Burger.

The video, short and precise, has several redeeming factors that a modern Bengali can resonate with. Firstly, it addresses the traditional food habits of Bengalis – the beloved maach and bhaat. Right at the beginning, addressing such an integral part of the Bengali identity works really well in keeping viewers hooked.

Soon, it transitions to a segment that acknowledges changing food habits of Bengalis – specifically the traditional fish and rice taking the back seat, making way for sushi, kaala bhuna, and chicken. This portion is done in a very humorous yet tasteful manner.

Here, Chillox also nods towards the mass public’s ever-growing love for burgers, calling them ‘sauce e bhaat e Bangali’. At its depth, the clips do a great job of addressing how the Bengali taste bud is changing.

So what does Chillox have to offer to the ever-evolving Bengali taste bud? Keeping the core identity of a Bengali, maach, at the center, they introduce the Fish & Krisp Burger. When the voiceover talks about this new offering having it all, i.e. bun, maach, and sauce, the OVC very cleverly promotes that the new item has everything a modern Bengali soul could want in food.

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The OVC has so much that we can resonate with – the love for traditional food, the attraction towards newer trends, and the need to combine the two. It also acknowledges a Bengali’s tendency to go the extra mile to achieve what they want. All of this is done in a witty manner.

The OVC keeps the viewer engaged from beginning till the end, touching on emotional aspects that will appeal to the viewer and offering humor that does not, refreshingly, border on offensive. The OVC, albeit confusingly, ends with a popular sportswear company’s slogan being parodied into ‘Just Eat It’, but we will let it slide because this has truly been one of Chillox’s most refreshing campaigns in recent times.

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