You have surely experienced the feeling of a song being stuck in your head for long periods. Back then, did you even question yourself why this is so? However, it worked! Trust me when I say this you still remember those tunes or jingles from Old Bangladeshi Ad. Moreover, you’ll surely remember the ones we grew up with, the ones which still makes us feel a lot more connected than that of today’s advertisements. The same old jingles from old Bangladeshi ads feel like home than modern ads.
Nescafe- Cholo Sobai
How about a warm cup of coffee from Nescafe? The ad takes you back to your college days and wraps you up with warmth. This was the turning point for Nescafe and us, as we not only got attached to the jingle but we could emotionally connect with the brand, even if we are not a regular consumer.
RC Cola- Tomar Jonno Morte Pari
The innocent lover, Novel, tries to woo her with the favorite RC Cola. I wish this only happened here in this era with just a carbonated drink. But, let’s not forget how this old Bangladeshi ad mapped itself in the beverage industry with the jingle on the play.
Danish- Tumi Ami r Danish
“Tumi Ami ar Danish”, well this will never get old. This catchline still now has the same vibrancy as it used to be years back. What makes an ad successful? Years go by but you still say to your better half “Tumi Ami ar Danish”
Read More: Top 10 Most Viewed Ads Of 2019 On YouTube
Jui- Surjo Daake
The mysterious persuasion did great for this old Bangladeshi ad from Jui. Starting from the song to the relatable storyline, everything falls ideally into places.
Read More: Bangladeshi advert on International Women’s Day grabs the world’s attention!
Berger- Jhilik
You might have not figured it out but the repetitive word in the advertisement, i.e. “Jhilik”, which will make sure you get familiar with the brand name. Besides the outstanding mind game of jingles, Berger did an amazing job.
Citycell- Theme song
The sound branding from Citycell will forever be on the favorite list. The presence of the soothing music to talk about their network reach was an example of perfect execution from the team. Followed by the ringtones they offer kept their presence in the market for long.
Uro cola- Rhythm of Life
The energetic jingle of Uro Lemon gives a refreshing feeling through the tune. The classic ad for the target audience sets an example of how to play with tunes to play with consumers’ minds.
Tibet- Rode pure jay
The pitched tone voice with the music was enough to make us remember “Tibet” all this time. The message of the ad is still vividly clear to us.
Goru Marka Dhew tin- the title song
The oldest of the ads we recall will be the title song of Goru Marka dhew tin. The essence of excitement will reciprocate itself through the lyrics and within the strong jingles.
Now ask yourself, which is the best form of advertising? The jingles from the old Bangladeshi ad still feels fresh and takes us back in time. You might not even remember what you saw last year, but you won’t forget these. These jingles from the old Bangladeshi ads will always be the inspiration for today’s advertising firms.