Sleepy Owl’s New Campaign Will Surely Make You Try Their Coffee3 min read

Sleepy Owl Coffee- an Indian coffee brand, has recently come up with a very crispy, funny, and catchy series of 4 campaigns (so far) to portray a straightforward message-

Sleepy Owl Coffee is better than others!

Now, how do you do that? 

We are currently living in a world where having attention from the audience seems like the most precious gift a marketer can ever imagine. So, to achieve that, one must have all the elements right within a short time. Why? Customers don’t have time.

Sleepy Owl Coffee has probably just done that. The company released 4 OVC as a series, and three of them brilliantly targeted 3 of the most popular coffee craving times for the customers. The last one? The last one is simply there to make the audience realize what they would be missing if they didn’t try Sleepy Owl Coffee.

And still, if they don’t, it’s their loss!

Let’s have a look at the campaigns.

  • You need coffee when you are relaxing in your home. So, why not Sleepy Owl Coffee?
  • One of the common habits of all the office going people is to have coffee or tea. And if you are a coffee person, then why not Sleepy Owl Coffee?
  • You are in the superstore and looking for a good coffee to buy? Why not Sleepy Owl Coffee?
  • Finally, after watching all the ads, you still don’t want to buy sleepy owl coffee, it’s your wish. But it’s also your loss.

Apart from the creative copywriting and the time management of the campaign, another thing we absolutely loved about the campaign was the jingle to end the campaign.

YOUR LOSS- if you don’t buy Sleepy Owl Coffee sticks to your head. The company needs to plan its media buying properly to make the audience watch the 4 ads, and we believe it might have a brilliant impact on the sales report.

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