YouTube Tests Comment Controls for Enhanced Video Interaction2 min read
To offer creators more nuanced control over comment moderation, YouTube is experimenting with a novel feature called “Pause.” This new tool allows content creators to deactivate future comments on specific videos while retaining those already posted, presenting a more flexible approach to managing discussions on the platform.
Currently, YouTube provides the option to disable video comments at both the channel and individual video levels. However, this action removes all comments, including those that have already been posted. Creators can employ the comment moderation feature, holding comments for review, but there is no direct method to halt comments at a specific point. The introduction of the “Pause” setting seeks to bridge this gap, giving creators the ability to maintain existing discussions while preventing the creation of new comments.
According to YouTube, the experiment is straightforward for users participating in the trial. Creators will find the “Pause” option in their video-level comment settings, denoted by a gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the comments panel. This feature is accessible both on the watch page in the YouTube app and in YouTube Studio on desktop and mobile devices.
Once activated, viewers will be greeted with a “Comments are paused” notification in the comment section, signaling the update. Despite the halt in new comments, users will still be able to scroll through and engage with previous replies. Additionally, creators of the experiment will notice three distinct categories in their comment controls: “On,” “Pause,” and “Off,” each offering different levels of engagement.
As reported, the “Pause” feature emerges as a practical solution for creators facing situations where their content attracts unwanted attention, such as during news events or coordinated attacks. By selectively pausing comments, creators can curate a more controlled and positive discussion environment.
YouTube emphasizes that the “Pause” option is currently being tested with a limited number of channels, showcasing the platform’s commitment to refining and enhancing user experiences based on user feedback and needs. As the trial progresses, YouTube will likely assess the effectiveness of the “Pause” feature before potentially rolling it out to a wider user base.
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