BUET Team Designs Modular Boat for Flood Relief Operations2 min read

A team from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) has created an innovative, modular boat to aid in flood relief efforts across Bangladesh. This low-cost and scalable solution is aimed at meeting the urgent need for transportation in flood-affected areas. Led by Assistant Professor Maherul Kader Prince from BUET’s Department of Architecture, the team comprises students Shuzaul Islam Shajib, Jarif Alam, Shahana Alam, and Tanzid Nur Rafi. The project was funded by ArchTwist, with local bamboo craftsmen playing a vital role in assembling the boats.

The initiative was born out of the pressing need for more boats during recent floods. “When I saw the urgent call for more boats, it became clear that the available resources couldn’t meet the demand,” said Prince, who quickly gathered a team to design floating modules. The group focused on using locally available materials, such as Borak bamboo and 200-litre drums, to build a boat that is both cost-effective and easy to assemble. The resulting design is a 72-square-foot boat supported by a double-layer bamboo frame and buoyed by four drums, providing stability and safety in strong currents. The modular nature of the boat also allows for features such as shading, sanitation, and water storage to be added as needed.

Remarkably, two local craftsmen were able to construct the boat in just three hours, with a total cost of BDT 15,000 — far less than comparable designs. “The craftsmanship and traditional knowledge of our local artisans were crucial to the success of this project,” Prince noted. Already deployed in flood-affected areas, including a pilot project in Feni, the modular boat has received positive feedback from volunteers for its flexibility and ease of use. The team has shared the boat’s design and assembly process through platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook, enabling other groups to replicate the model.

Looking forward, the team is exploring ways to scale up production by developing pre-fabricated components that can be mass-produced off-site. Prince emphasized the need for training workshops to ensure local craftsmen can efficiently assemble the boats. As floods continue to pose a significant challenge in Bangladesh, the BUET team’s modular boat offers a promising solution that could be rolled out more widely, helping to save lives and provide vital support in flood-stricken communities.

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