On October 1st, 2018, Bangladesh became the 72nd country to provide the MNP or mobile number portability service to its telecom consumers. So, all of us were expecting some shift in the telecom industry starting from the operators to the strategic approach in the industry.
[MNP to redesign the strategic approach of the telecom industry]
Almost a month has passed since the BTRC allowed the consumers to avail the MNP service. Till October 18th, total number of consumers who applied for a change was more than 47 thousand. [Source: Prothom Alo]
So, who is winning the race so far? The answer is Robi!
According to the data collected till October 18th, more than 60% of the consumers who have successfully changed their operators have joined Robi and approximately 14% of the same population have left Robi.
To know more about the numbers,click here!
So, Robi is already making a statement. Now let’s have a look at the campaigns Robi made so far to promote the MNP service.
Robi MNP Campaign- No Hidden Charge!
Here, Robi tried to state one of the major points to attract the consumers. Hidden charge is something that bothers the consumer to the extreme and they have made it clear that they don’t have any. Another aspect to notice here is- The story. Robi portrayed the situation of the less privileged segment of consumers (Ex. Housemaid) regarding the issue. Let’s have a look.
Robi MNP Campaign-Network Coverage
The next campaign showcased the strength of network coverage Robi is promising to deliver currently. To sum up- “Wherever you go, you will get the coverage.” The selection of the place and the story of the TVC makes the perfect fit.
Robi MNP Campaign-Indoor Network
When was the last time you lost your network coverage while parking your car in the garage and missed a call? It’s not hard to remember, right! Robi tried to acknowledge this situation with one of their MNP campaigns.
Take Away:
- Ambassador chosen for the campaigns are top notch. Chanchal Chowdhury and Nusrat Imrose Tisha are two of the most prominent public icon to convince the audience. Listening from them about having “No Problem” once you transfer to Robi- surely has some impacts.
- The selection of the title for each campaign was terrific and the starting of each TVC gives us the vibe of a movie. Brilliant attempt indeed.
- The most interesting take away from the campaigns are the target area. First one talks about the hidden charges as “Silent Killer” and the target audience was perfect- the under privileged segment (housemaids). The story making likewise demonstrated the sufferings of that particular target amass with the concealed charges.
Next two talks about network coverage everywhere which makes perfect sense. Targeting one of the strongest points of the market leader to capture audience attention was indeed a smart move.
Last but not the least, all three of them carry a subtle touch of humor and make people laugh. And when something makes you laugh, you remember them!
So, this was our take on the MNP campaigns by Robi. What do you think? Are the campaigns responsible for the out-breaking consumer response that Robi is receiving currently?
Let us know!