OBHAI Adds Plexiglass Divider To Secure The Users2 min read

Obhai is a ride-sharing app that enables passengers to select a Car, Microbus, Motorbike. In fact, it exclusively provides CNG Auto-rickshaw upon specifying the “destination”. Recently, it has propelled a plexiglass shield between the driver, and the traveler’s seating compartment. With this in mind to ensure maximum protection during rides to curve to bend the spread of Covid-19.

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At the present time, Bangladesh incompletely facilitates on lockdown with the resumption of workplaces and open vehicle. Without delay, OBHAI ventures up the score on its in-vehicle cleanliness guidelines considerably further by introducing plexiglass. In other words, It creates boundaries on its vehicles and CNGs between the drivers and travelers. With this intension to forestall coronavirus germs from going between them said a public statement.

Notably, they will encapsulate the glass with the driver’s seat. To explain, the plexiglass is made up of transparent 3mm acrylic sheets, weighing close to 5kgs. Coupled with, fitted solidly between the driver and the travelers.

OBHAI: “no more waits – ride in minutes”

Not to mention, The mission of OBHAI is to offer safe, reliable, and convenient transportation to everyone all across Bangladesh. Moreover, their aim is to find an affordable and reliable transportation solution which can help our passengers to achieve more in their precious lives.

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Furthermore, this comes along with OBHAI’s as of now winning cleanliness measures of customary vehicle sterilization. Moreover, giving hand sanitizers to drivers, encouraging contactless installments. Additionally, giving covers to the two drivers and travelers. With impediments of social distancing and wellbeing rules appropriate on as of now overpowered open vehicle framework, OBHAI will come as a help to every basic suburbanite.


To sum up, With a few OBHAI G and OBHAI CNG effectively fitted with the defensive screen, OBHAI hopes to have them introduced in all the vehicles the nation over in the coming weeks. At this instant, the Plexiglass dividers are being fitted and turned out in the vast majority of the vehicles in each 33 towns OBHAI works today.

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