Digital Marketing Award 2017: Best Content Marketing | Grand Prix3 min read

me call it: ‘The day when people went back to theatres’. Even though it was the directorial debut of Amitabh Reza Chowdhury, it was no ‘winner’s luck’. The movie is already acclaimed as the ‘best ever’ Bangladeshi movie by hundreds of thousands of Bangalis. The movie features a story of the Versatile Chanchal Chowdhury who hails down from the skies to act as a human chameleon who takes on body doubles of convicted felons and serves time in the prison. There is an obstinate crime reported who never gives up tracking him down. And there is this one job he should of never taken.

The movie was the perfect combination of breathtaking storyline, fantastic execution and an integrated marketing. Through social media and press the movie reached every single corner of Bangladesh. There has been a long lasting thirst for great content in the hearts of Bangalis. For a very long time Bangalis has been inclining towards foreign content of India and Western world because of this dearth of good local content. Aynabaji’s timing was the best. It was like finding a fountain in the middle of The Great Sahara Desert. It just didn’t quench the thirst, but it also took a permanent place in our hearts as a masterpiece.

‘The key to innovation in marketing is a great product.’ If product innovation doesn’t come, marketing innovation won’t follow. As a content Aynabaji itself was revolutionary. The story had the audience guessing till the end- isn’t that wat makes a movie great? They had every spice to be a commercial hit with continuous trips and turns combined with a fulfilling experience.

The marketing team did an amazing job of spreading it like wildfire throughout thistribution channels and social media. Even the hype was worth following as it does not happen in Bangladesh every day. The movie created a perfect mix of the 3 pillars of South Asian movie marketing- trailer, teaser, and music. The Facebook page featured a series of ‘wow’ clips from the movie and related social media posts. It raised the roofs in Bangladesh. Today the page has 135K followers and people of all ages irrespective of class and caste has loved the movie. It was truly a movie for Bangladesh, a movie by Bangladesh.

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The Facebook page is still maintained today as a platform for promoting other movies, series and sharing great content with the audience. A person revealed that he came to the cinema hall after 35 years. The official trailer has 1.3 million views just on YouTube. There are so many stories in this part of the world which are waiting to be narrated.

The movie has enchanted not just Bangladesh, but the world. It was screened in the Cannes Film Festival 2016. It won the title of the best narrative film in the South Asian film festival of USA. Foreign viewers even compared it to wonders like ‘3 Idiots’. The movie is a torchbearer of the whole film industry of Bangladesh, showcasing the massive potential of our culture, just waiting to be unearthed.

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