StickerDriver Launches In Khulna1 min read
Adeffi Limited is proud to announce the launch of their revolutionary product, StickerDriver, in Khulna. StickerDriver is an innovative product that allows brands to easily and quickly create sticker branding campaigns on ride-share cars with a few simple clicks.
With this launch, clients of Adeffil will be able to reach out to a wider audience in the region and provide them with an easy-to-use solution for creating customized campaigns.
The launch of StickerDriver in Khulna marks a milestone for Adeffi Limited as they continue to expand their reach and bring their products and services closer to people around the nation. With this launch, Adeffi Limited hopes to bring more convenience and efficiency into campaign creation in Khulna, making it easier for brands to design unique campaigns that reflect their personality or brand identity.
The Founder and Managing Director of Adeffi Binoy Barman said, “It’s a win-win opportunity for both brands and vehicle owners, brands can launch campaign in Khulna and the vehicle owners from Khulna can start earning extra by placing ads on their vehicles”.
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